

1st Steering Committee
and Mutual Learning Session

Granada, Spain
2-3 November 2017

2 November 2017

Steering Comitee

  9.15| Presentation partners
10.15| Overall Project description (People)
10.45| Considerations and comments

11.00 - 11.15 | COFFEE BREAK

11.15| Project Handbook  presentation - comments  (Capodarco)
             Monitoring, Quality and Evaluation Plan – comments (Capodarco)
12.30| Plenary discussion and useful proposals of Feel Good activities

13.00 14.30 | LUNCH

14.30| Management, Repository and Template documents  (Capodarco)
15.30| Plenary discussion
17.00| End of Steering Comitee and 1st day Meeting

3 November 2017

Mutual Learning Session

  9.00| Welcome and  Meeting Agenda (F. Docete Omnes/Capodarco)
  9.15| Output 1: European report “EMPOWERMENT OF EUROPEAN HEALTHCARE OPERATORS - Lead   partner presentation: vision and comments (F. Docete Omnes)
  9.45| O1/A1 Competence pattern for Healthcare and socio assistance workers in EU, Presentation (People)
10.15|Team work to identify useful elements for Feel Good research and model

11.00 - 11.15 | COFFEE BREAK

11.15|Considerations and comments (all partners)
11.45|Output 4Communication Package, Project Logo choice – (Capodarco)
12.30|Team work to identify useful elements for Feel Good communication and dissemination strategy
13.00 14.30 | LUNCH

14.30|Team work to focused specific needs
17.00|End of the Meeting